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Psychoanalysis may be sought for many different reasons, including depression, anxiety, bereavement, illness, confusion, distress, anger. Someone may be stuck in repeating patterns of thoughts or behaviours that they feel are having negative effects; they may have relationship difficulties or questions about sexuality; they may have concerns about their body; they may be finding it hard to deal with the loss of a person, a place, a position or an identity.
Psychoanalysis can offer an opportunity to articulate some things about life that may be impossible to address in other contexts. Working psychoanalytically means that the unconscious will be taken into account, on the premise that we are driven as much by unconscious processes as by conscious ones. The work of the analyst, or addressee, is not to offer answers, nor to dole out standard advice, but to listen attentively and allow the person to build their own solutions through a greater understanding of what might have brought them to where they are now.
I have experience working one to one with adults at the Guild of Psychotherapists’ clinic, at Cambridgeshire MIND and in private practice both in London and Cambridge. My work is particularly informed by the theory and practice of Freud and Lacan.
Memberships include CFAR, The College of Psychoanalysts UK (CP-UK) and The Guild of Psychotherapists.. All these organisations have strict codes of ethics to which each member submits, and details of these can be found on their web sites, shown below.
I offer in-person meetings in a quiet and private garden room in Newnham, about a mile from Cambridge city centre. I also work remotely, via Zoom, Skype or phone, when someone is located elsewhere or otherwise unable to travel, or if I am working away from Cambridge.
Meetings take place once or twice a week and are usually up to around 40 or 50 minutes. The cost is £80 per session, and meetings cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will be charged in full. There are a limited number of lower fee spaces for those unable to work or on very low incomes.
I hold email addresses, mobile phone numbers and Skype addresses (all on password-protected devices), for the purposes of scheduling appointments, invoicing and accounting, and occasionally for other matters raised by the client. I do not share client data with any third party (for example GPs or other medical professionals, employers, university tutors) unless specifically asked to do so by the client and only after discussion and with their full permission.
Note taking is minimal and excludes details that might identify the client; any notes are stored and locked safely and separately from the above contact details.
In order to support my thinking and to uphold the professional standards required by the organisations to which I belong, I have regular supervision in which all material is anonymised.
07704 507063
Please contact me directly via phone or e-mail.